When it comes to getting the most out of your chosen cloud based accounting software - it's not what you've got - it's how you use it!
Cloud accounting solutions are improving by the minute and can offer your business so many benefits including the ability to access your financial data from anywhere at any time, savvy integrations with other third party cloud software, immediate access to upgrades and the list goes on.
As accountants, we find the biggest benefit of using this software is it allows us to access key financial information at the stroke of a key. Within an instance we can get a snapshot of your financial position in real time and make decisions with more clarity and speed. This to us is an absolute game changer.
We do however notice a lot of businesses who have taken the step to embrace a cloud based accounting system into their business but are not using it to its maximum potential.
Below we give you three tips for you to ensure that you are getting the most efficiency out of your software.
1. Integrate your accounting software with other third party cloud based software
The options for integrations are endless. Potential integrations could include timesheeting software, payment gateways, banking software to name a few. These integrations could be streamlining further processes in your business, freeing you up to spend time on other things.
2. Connect Your Bank Feed for automatic entry
The better cloud based accounting systems will allow you to pull your bank feeds automatically into their systems. This can save hours in reconciliation and data entry.
3. Download the mobile versions so you can invoice on the go
With applications such as Xero Touch , you can download to your mobile or Iphone and can issue invoices via email on the go. This is perfect for people who are on the road for the majority of their day and would like to speed up their data processing and payment times.
Cloud accounting software provides us with fast and easy access to key financial information and reduces lengthy manual compliance processes. This allows us to spend more time providing you with strategic advice.
If you would like more information about how you can utilise Cloud Accounting Software to save time in your business, please contact us today.
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