Setting goals, keeping you accountable and knowing how to make the numbers work. This is all in day's work for an accountant who offers strategic business advice.
We help you decide the goals to set
In our opinion setting financial goals that can drive your business forward are integral for business growth.
It's easy to jump straight into revenue or profit goals, however not so easy to understand what's realistic for these.
In our experience, some business owners need to peel it right back and get the simple foundation goals in place before worrying about profit goals.
Setting goals around ensuring that you consistently break even, achieving healthy levels of staff utilisation, optimising your cash flow, reviewing pricing and reducing expenses may need to be considered in alignment with revenue and profit goals.
We keep you accountable
Goals are only useful if you make them happen. We know how easy it is for small business owners to set goals with every intention to reach them, then life gets in the way.
Knowing that someone will be holding you accountable every month or every quarter can be the ammunition you need to keep you on track.
Our Clarity and CFO services aim to do just that.
We understand the numbers
With the introduction of cloud accounting software such as Xero, reports such as your Profit and Loss are simple to keep up-to-date generate upon demand.
The bottom line of a P&L is very easy to interpret however, what about all of the other line items. The numbers may be clear, but what those numbers actually mean, may not.
This is where the expertise of a qualified accountant can help.
We are a firm believer that all numbers tell a story. By working closely with our clients we have the ability to review a P&L and immediately identify abnormalities that an unqualified eye won't necessarily read.
We also believe that these reports need to be monitored regularly. Monthly, quarterly and of course annually.
If your business is at a stage where you need some strategic business advice for growth, please give Anthony, Chris or Doug a call on 6566 2200.
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